Services Overview
Baringa is equipped with the very latest medical and surgical technology ensuring that patients can benefit from new techniques and advances in surgical, medical and mental health practice.
Four state-of-the-art operating theatres make it ideal for both major and minor surgery. This includes a cath lab where we perform interventional cardiology including diagnostic and interventional cardiology, pacemakers and other implantable devices. Day admission facilities are available for patients requiring minor procedures, minimising time lost from work, home and leisure. Our expert nursing staff are trained to provide you with a high standard of care and have the experience and understanding to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
Day Surgery Unit
If you require elective day surgery, we have an excellent facility, modern, private, well equipped area with trained nursing staff to provide you with the highest level of care.
Operating Theatres
Baringa Private Hospital’s four operating theatres are state of the art, well equipped and staffed with specialised staff to care for you.
Clinical Services